Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What You Might Find While Wandering

While I was out this weekend, I stopped in at the dollar store. There was something that I'd wanted to pick up, but I couldn't remember what it was by the time I got to the store, so I wound up wandering the store hoping that I'd come across it and it would jog my memory.

While wandering, I came across these little guys:

They're tiny little figurines, but they would fit nicely in a cubby in my study. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, and not only do they work as Halloween decorations, but there's a Santa Jack to transform them from Halloween into Christmas decorations, so I could keep them up for about four months out of the year if I get my Halloween decorations up by the start of September.

I brought them home, and put them up with the other Christmas decorations that I have been putting up in my study this week as I transform it from normal study to Christmas study.

Next year, I'll put regular Jack Skellington up and we'll keep the fun going.

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