Monday, January 22, 2024

Modal Nodes Growing

I found one more Figrin D'an at Ross...but at what cost? I drove around town forever, going to all the Rosses that my Google Maps could find for me, and wasted a ton of time, and all I found was one lousy figure.

I got so excited when I found three Figrin D'ans in one store, and thought I would find loads of them in other stores too, but that certainly hasn't been the case. I've got five altogether now, still two short of the full band, and I've been to more Rosses than I can count. I guess I need to step back and just let them come to me. I'll just go to Ross when I normally do, about once a week, and if I find some I find some. If not, then oh well. C'est la vie.

When I got home with the fifth one, I set up this picture.

It looks pretty awesome, I'll have to admit. I'd love to fill out the rest of the band. The trouble I'm going to have is getting the instruments for the final three. In the 6-inch figures, they put out Figrin D'an, who came with the same three different instruments that the 4-inch figure does.

And they also put out Nalan Cheel who comes with the three larger instruments.

The one with the larger instruments is a deluxe figure which costs twice as much, but you could buy one of those and six of the others, and assemble the whole band. There's two options.

With the 4-inch guys, however, they don't have that option. You can buy the Figrin D'an that I've been finding at Ross that comes with the three smaller instruments, or you can buy the Hasbro Pulse exclusive set of the whole band with all the instruments.

So, if you want the drum, organ or...tuba, I don't know what they're supposed to be...but if you want those, you just have to go ahead and buy the whole band. Why even put out the solo release of Figrin D'an? It makes no sense.

Rish sent me a link to someone on Etsy who sells 3D prints of the instruments, so maybe that's the way I'll have to go. I don't know. We'll see if I can even manage to find seven of them altogether in the first place.

While I had all the Figrin D'ans out for that picture up above, I figured I'd see what the similarly proportioned aliens I have from Fortnite might look like with their instruments. What do you think? Who does it better?

I was going to do all seven of the blue guys that I found in my bin, but I had such a hard time posing these ones that I just gave up. Look at their instruments...several of them are bent because I couldn't get the figure's arms to come together in the right way, and getting the mouthpiece to sit where their mouth is was impossible.

They look pretty cool though, right? These guys definitely look like they should be space jazz musicians, probably even more so than the real Modal Nodes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You definitely need to set up a battle of the bands now