Tuesday, January 9, 2024


The other day, while wandering the sadly empty toy aisle at Ross, I got a lucky break and saw these hanging on the pegs.

That's two Stormtroopers with that big E-Web cannon from the Mandalorian, and they are still only asking $6 for them. 

A few weeks back, I got lucky and found two others at a different Ross, so that brings my total to four. They're stormtroopers, so I'd like to have a thousand of them if I could. Of course I'll never afford that. They're generally so expensive. Unless I find them at Ross, I can't afford them at all. This is what they want for the same figure on Amazon.

Notice that it's at 36% off too. They say the list price is $29.99! For a friggin' 3.75 inch figure. Are you kidding me? That's absolutely crazy. Either that, or Ross is absolutely crazy charging only $6 for them. So, I've managed to get four for the price of less than one so far.

That makes me pretty happy. I feel like there should be stormtroopers all over Ankletown Station. With four, I can at least manage a picture like this one from Empire Toy Works.

By the way, I went to the Aurubesh translator and found that the big sign over their heads reads "choke and puke." Very nice. That's an important advertisement.

Of course, finding these two made me want to start checking all the Rosses again in case they were all getting them in. I've gone to two more since then,  and come away like Yukon Cornelius.

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